This is Colleen Mott. She is my mom, and Corinne’s grandma. And yes that’s a real bear.
This photo tells an awful lot about who she is.
She was just sitting on a log in Glacier National Park when a bear sidled up next to her……she chuckled and my dad snapped a pic.
She didn’t let stuff get to her.
She died in November of 2020, but she lives on here.
So much of what we share on this page comes from Colleen Mott. She was a great cook and created a home of warmth and comfort. She raised 10 kids (some better than others) and made us all feel special and loved.
Our home was full of laughter and wonderful family traditions.
So when you see the “Colleen Mott Approved” notation on a post or recipe you will know that it came straight from her.

Colleen and Glenn

Me and Mama……still laughing