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If you haven’t been pickling fresh veggies then now is the TIME!

They are so fresh, crisp and delicious and make any salad or sandwich SO MUCH BETTER.

We have posted two different recipes. The first is just a basic pickling mixture and is what we use for onions, cauliflower or bell pepper.

The second is for cucumbers and they are ZINGY! They are so good and great just to snack on.

Start by prepping the veggies however you with. The thinner/smaller the pieces the quicker they will pickle.

Make the pickling mixture in a saucepan.

Stir until sugar and salt are dissolved and it begins to boil. Remove from heat to cool slightly.

Fill jars with prepared veggies and cover with the pickling mixture…

…secure with lid and VOILA! PICKLED VEGGIES!

We like to ramp up the pickling mixture for the cucumbers…a little sweeter and with a pinch of heat. SO GOOD!

**This is the same recipe as our Sweet Hot Cucumber Salad.


Bring to a boil…

…and pour it over.

You can start eating these as soon as you want…just know the pickling will become stronger over time.

These are wonderful on salads, sandwiches, casseroles...anything! Or just for snacking!

Pickled Onions And Cauliflower

Fresh, crispy pickled veggies! Delicious on almost everything!
Course Antipasto, preserves


  • 2 red onions, peeled and sliced thinly
  • 1 small head cauliflower, cut into bite-size pieces
  • 2 cups vinegar
  • 1 cup water
  • ¼ cup sugar
  • 2 tsp salt


  • Add all ingredients to a saucepan. Turn to high heat. Stir until sugar and salt are completely dissolved and mixture comes to a boil.
  • Set aside to cool about 15 minutes.
  • Fill sealable containers with onions and cauliflower. Pour pickling mixture over veggies, filling to the top.
    Secure lid. Turn the container upside down a couple of times.
  • Place in refrigerator,
    The onions will be ready in a couple of hours.
    The cauliflower may be better overnight.
  • Store in your refrigerator and use throughout the week.
Keyword cauliflower, cucumbers, pickled, red onions, salads, veggies

Sweet Hot Pickles

Fresh pickles with a zing! So good you will want to snack on them. @mostdeliciouslife.com
Course Antipasto, Appetizer, preserves


  • mini cucumbers **chop off ends and cut into slices
  • 1 cup vinegar
  • ¾ cup water
  • ¾ cup sugar
  • 1 tsp salt
  • ¼ tsp cayenne
  • tsp black pepper
  • pinch basil


  • Fill sealable container with sliced mini cukes.
  • Add all other ingredients to a saucepan. Turn heat to high. Stir until the sugar is dissolved and mixture comes to a boil.
  • Remove from heat to cool for 15 minutes.
  • Pour over the mini cucumbers filling to the top.
  • Secure lid and place in refrigerator.
  • Chill overnight and then ENJOY!
    These will be good for a week in your refrigerator.
Keyword fresh pickles, pickles, veggies